Thursday, August 9, 2012

More Updates!

Here is a picture of Libby now. She is the sweetest little puggle.

Hi Hilda,
Thought I would send you some photo’s of Sugar. We call her Gracie. She is doing great.
She is almost got potty training down. She loves to chase the ball and chew on all her toys.
Thank you so much for a wonderful healthy dog.



Wanted to take the time to finally give you an update on Mercedes and what she has been up to. From the time Tyson and I brought her home nearly 2 years ago she has been a total joy to us as well as both of our families, and is fully spoiled by all! She is too smart and cute for her own good (selecting just a few pictures from the past 2 years to send was difficult!)!! She sits, lays down, rolls over, dances, gives high fives, and "speaks" when asked, and of course is given a treat! We love going on walks, taking boat rides, and playing (inside and out)!!! We couldn't be any happier with her! Thanks so much!

LeAnn and Tyson